Step 1: Connect to a database
This will be locally on your computer. You will be the only one to be able to add more data to this database in the future. Unlike the 2015 version, in order to share access to a database with colleagues you have to purchase something from Keynetix.
Go to the “Geotechnical Module” ribbon, the “Data Management” tab and select “Connect.”
Hit “Login” to connect to the “Geotechnical Module” database.
If you have used this version of the geotechnical module and created a project before, you have the option to connect to a pre-existing project or create a new project.
To create a new project, hit “Create” in the bottom left hand corner of the window.
Enter the Project Details:
- Project ID - Required
- Name - Required
- Status (drop-down) - Required
- Category (drop-down) - Required
- Contractor’s Name
- Project Engineer
- Office
- General Project Comments
Select the project you want to use and hit “Ok.”
You are now connected to the selected project.
Step 2: Import “Field Geological Descriptions.csv” (FGD) and “Location Details.csv” (LD) files
You must save the drawing before importing the files.
The files must have the exact names “Field Geological Descriptions.csv,” “Location Details.csv” and “Orientation and Inclination.csv” in order for the import to work. You do not need to import the “Orientation and Inclination.csv” (O&I) file if all of your borings are straight up and down.
If the module crashes while importing, there is probably an error with your source files.
Fix your source files and try again.
You cannot have the files open when trying to import them.
The location IDs in the two files must have a 1:1 relationship.
Every boring in the FGD file must have corresponding data in the LD file.
Intervals in FGD file must be unique.
There cannot be empty cells in columns that have data in them. If a column is completely blank other than the header that is fine.
The files must have the correct headers spelled correctly (case sensitive) or else they won’t import.
FGD File Headers:
- Location ID – Required
- Depth Top – Required
- Depth Base – Required
- Legend Code
- Geology Code – Required
- Geology Code 2
- BGS Lexicon
- Description
LD File Headers:
- Location ID – Required
- Location Type
- Easting – Required
- Northing – Required
- Ground Level – Required
- Final Depth – Required
O&I File Headers:
- Location ID – Required
- Orientation – Required
- Inclination - Required
If your files are valid, hit “Import.”
When the import is complete, hit “Finish.”
Step 3: Geotechnics creates borings as COGO points and 3D solids
You only need the 3D solids.
You can use object viewer to inspect the 3D solids.
Good data has very few gaps.
The COGO points will be put on layer KNL_BLOB.
The 3D solids will be put on layers KNX_... based on Geology Code:
Step 4: Set up your 3D Solid Styles
Visual Styles - box with arrow pointing down and to the right for Visual Style Manager
2D Wireframe
Contour lines
When working in the file – keep contour lines set to 0
When plotting – change contour lines to 200-500
Draw true silhouette yes
Change 3D Sticks (and 2D Strips) Vertical Exaggeration to 1
Geology Code - KNX_Location - 3D Stick – Small
Set Diameter
Make sure all of your Geology Codes are spelled the same; otherwise, they will be split up onto different layers depending on spelling (e.g. Coarse Grained Sand and Coarse-Grained Sand will be on different layers).
For help with the Geotechnical Module, hit the Help Button on the Geotechnical Ribbon.
Can someone give some info on the ground level portion of the Location Details? What I am asking is if someone can explain the process for setting the ground level data on the "Location Details.csv.
ReplyDeleteThank you,
Patrick P.