Thursday, January 14, 2016

Keyboard Shortcuts

Managing Drawings:

Ctrl+n - New Drawing 
Ctrl+s - Save drawing 
Ctrl+o - Open drawing
Ctrl+p - Plot dialog box 

Ctrl+Tab - Switch to next             
Ctrl+Shift+Tab - Switch to previous drawing 
Ctrl+Page Up - Switch to previous tab in current drawing 
Ctrl+Page Down - Switch to next tab in current drawing 
Ctrl+q - Exit 
Ctrl+a - Select all objects

Manage Screen:

Ctrl+0 - Clean Screen
Ctrl+1 - Property Palette
Ctrl+2 - Design Center Palette
Ctrl+3 - Tool Palette
Ctrl+4 - Sheet Set Palette
Ctrl+6 - DBConnect Manager
Ctrl+7 - Markup Set Manager Palette
Ctrl+8 - Quick Calc
Ctrl+9 - Command Line

To select a window and move it:

Alt + Space and hit enter
M and hit enter
Use the arrow keys to move the window around the screen.

Manage Workflow:

Ctrl+c - Copy object
Ctrl+x - Cut object
Ctrl+v - Paste object
Ctrl+Shift+c - Copy to clipboard with base point
Ctrl+Shift+v - Paste data as block with base point
Ctrl+z - Undo last action
Ctrl+y - Redo last action
Ctrl+[ or Ctrl+\ or ESC - Cancel current command

Drawing Modes:

F1 - Display Help
F2 - Toggle Text Screen
F3 - Toggle OSNAP Mode
F4 - Toggle 3D OSNAP Mode
F5 - Toggle Isoplane
F6 - Toggle Dynamic UCS
F7 - Toggle Grid Mode
F8 - Toggle Ortho Mode
F9 - Toggle Snap Mode
F10 - Toggle Polar Mode
F11 - Toggle Object Snap Tracking
F12 - Toggle Dynamic Input Mode

One Key Commands:

Q - QSAVE (saves the current drawing)
A - ARC (creates an arc)
Z - ZOOM (increases or decreases the magnification of the view in the current viewport)
W - WBLOCK (write objects or block to new drawing file)
S - STRETCH (stretches objects crossed by a selection window or polygon)
X - EXPLODE (breaks a compound object into its component objects)
E - ERASE (removes objects from drawing)
D - DIMSTYLE (creates and modifies dimension styles)
C - CIRCLE (creates a circle)
R - REDRAW (refreshes the display in the current viewport)
F - FILLET (rounds and fillets the edges of objects)
V - VIEW (saves and restores named views, and preset views)
T - MTEXT (creates multiline text object)
G - GROUP (creates and manages saved sets of objects called groups)
B - BLOCK (creates a block definition from selected objects)
H - HATCH (fills an enclosed area or selected objects with a hatch pattern, solid fill, or gradient fill.
J - JOIN (joins similar objects to form a single, unbroken object)
M - MOVE (moves objects in a specified direction)
I - INSERT (inserts a block or drawing into the current drawing)
O - OFFSET (creates concentric circles, parallel lines, and parallel curves)
L - LINE (creates straight line segments)
P - PAN (adds a parameter with grips to a dynamic block definition)


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