Friday, October 27, 2017

AutoCAD Civil 3D and Google Earth


Exporting Location to Google Earth:

Make the Workspace Civil 3D
Toolspace -> Toolbox -> Miscellaneous Utilities
Export KML


Importing Geolocated Google Earth Images with Plex.Earth:

This can bring in high quality images to use as a background for your drawings or figures.
Install Plex.Earth from the AutoCAD apps store while signed in to your account. Plex.Earth will automatically be added to your ribbon next time you open CAD while signed into your account. It requires a yearly prescription, which you will have to get approved by your manager if you are using it for business applications.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Quantity Estimates

Using the QTO Tool:

Analyze -> QTO -> QTO Manager
Load your Pay Items
Perform Overkill on any polylines you plan on using, so you don't over count.
Select Polylines (for linear measurements)
Assign Pay Item
Make sure your units match exactly